Monday, November 9, 2020


Create a standing wave in your aquarium and demonstrate the true power of the fully operational VorTech QuietDrive control system. At the touch of the button, all VorTech wirelessly enabled pumps will temporarily pause their current mode and idle allowing food to be added to the tank without being cycled into the overflow and filtration. Flow Uncompromised In an aquarium, having the right amount of flow is crucial to the health of the ecosystem. EcoSmart Live is loaded with features such as setup guides, flow and lighting wizards, specialty modes, and the ability to create new modes with just the click of a mouse or tap of a finger. Wave Auto-Tune Create a standing wave in your aquarium and demonstrate the true power of the fully operational VorTech QuietDrive control system.
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The second phase follows wit a surging motion to move the detritus into the overflow and out of the aquarium. The Battery Backup is reef tank insurance ecodmart an aluminum housing.

Flow Uncompromised In an aquarium, having the right amount of flow is crucial to the health of the ecosystem. Create a standing wave in your aquarium and demonstrate the true power of the fully operational VorTech QuietDrive control system.

The flow direction will change direction every cycle.

Battery Backup Mode Blizzard. Our award mp0 customer service staff can log into your mp01 and suggest changes for you. The speed of the pump is changed slowly to recreate the gentle currents of a lagoon. Wave Auto-Tune Create a standing wave in your aquarium and demonstrate the true power of the fully operational VorTech QuietDrive control system. The gold standard for generating flow in reef tanks, the VorTech is unsurpassed in beauty and functionality. Feed Mode At the touch of the button, all VorTech wirelessly enabled pumps will temporarily pause their current mode and idle allowing food to be added to the tank without being cycled into the overflow and filtration.

At the touch of the button, all VorTech wirelessly enabled pumps will temporarily pause their current mode and idle allowing food to be added to the tank without being cycled into the overflow and filtration.

Night Mode Pumps can ecosmatt enabled to run a gentler night time program simulating calmer ocean conditions for night time hours.

EcoTech Marine VorTech MP10 Propeller Pump with Wireless EcoSmart | Aquarium Shoppe

Add and remove power heads to determine what selection of VorTechs will most exactly meet those needs. With the VorTech Recommended Flow Calculator simply enter your tank dimensions to see maximum and minimum required flow levels. A motorist hits a utility pole.

In an aquarium with no flow, fish and corals can begin to die in as little as 4 to 10 hours. Lagoon mode simulates a low-energy lagoon environment. How do I choose?

EcoTech Marine VorTech MP10 Propeller Pump with Wireless EcoSmart

In an aquarium, having the right amount of flow is crucial to the health of the ecosystem. Lagoon Mode Lagoon mode simulates a low-energy lagoon environment. The first phase uses wave motion to stir up detritus. This is a favorite of Ecosnart coral. The pump will change speed frequently and drastically to simulate crashing waves and surging tide. Having issues getting the coral growth that you expect?

No distractions from ecosmarrt beauty of the tank and its inhabitants No wires in the aquarium No unwanted heat added to the water column No risk of electrical discharge harming people or marine life No hassle when it comes to installing, relocating or cleaning the power head. Nutrient Transport mode NTM creates circulation in a two-phase program. Pumps can be enabled to run a gentler night time program simulating calmer ocean conditions for night time hours. Reef Crest Random mode simulates a high-energy reef environment.

Choosing the correct water circulation equipment has never been easier.

Over the course of several hours, the flow pattern will go from very chaotic to calm, followed by a detritus-clearing surge at the very end of the cycle. EcoSmart Live is ecosmarr with features such as setup guides, flow and lighting wizards, specialty modes, and the ability to create new modes with just the click of a mouse or tap of a finger.

Tidal Swell mode TSM creates a harmonic balance reminiscent of the changing flow conditions found in nature.

This mode promotes maximum health, nutrient export and increased growth ml10 sensitive corals such as SPS.

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